👇 You can do 3 things to rank #1 on Google Search 👇

The Dog Groomer's Guide to SEO

Learn how grooming businesses are ranking #1 on Google search FOR FREE 👀

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Happy Tails, Happy Daily Groomers :)

Julia Benning
Well Groomed Pets
SUPER helpful, you guys are the best!
Carrie Rowley
Carries Critter Care
The Daily Groomer guides are really helpful. I appreciate you putting them together.
Libi Villagomez
Calibre K-9 Mobile Grooming
I love getting The Daily Groomer emails. I've been a mobile groomer for 12 years, so it's a nice way to keep up to date!
Kelly Dickey
Kelly's Grooming Garage
Thank you these guides are great!
Shannon Cox
Shannon's Pretty Paws
This guide was great actually! You all did a great job!
Sarah Jamison
Sarah Scissorpaws
The Pricing Table helps me know if I’m in the right ball park

Articles for Happy Pets

A Step-by-Step Guide to Local Business SEO for Your Grooming Business

If you run a brick-and-mortar business, local business SEO can help you drive more customers to both your website and physical location.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to get started with local SEO for your grooming business.

What Is SEO?

"SEO” is a dirty term to most, I know. For those who are new to the term, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. AKA ‘tricking’ Google into ranking your business higher when people search for your niche. In this case, dog groomers! The SEO industry is full of snake oil salesmen, con artists, scammers, and plain old fools who don't understand how Google works. In this guide, we’re releasing the secrets on how you can stand out from the your competition when pet owners are searching online for groomers near you.

Improve Your SEO for Your Grooming Business

Let’s get one thing out of the way - Ads are EXPENSIVE! And you do NOT need them to get more customers. There is an even better way to get customers - and it’s free!! It’s Google and they are the KING at driving traffic to your business. So getting to the top of Google’s search results is a big deal. When a pet parent is searching for a new groomer in your area, YOU want show up first! But, how do we get there?? Well free guides (like this one) will give you 85% of what you need to get your search ranked up!